Trouble in the Terraces of my mind writing here is a hell of a lot cheaper than therapy...

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Don’t ever sell anything on forums, just go straight to Ebay (it costs you more, but at least you won’t get fucked around like I have been on the Traxxas R/C forums).

I'll give you an example of what I am talking about what happened on this forum:

Someone contacts me saying they are interested in what I’m buying. I send him pics of it, and he says he wants it and will pay me by the end of the week. A week goes by, and I notice that he hasn't deposited the funds we have agreed on the day we agreed on. Mind you I had several other offers,
but I turn them down because I assumed I had an agreement with the first buyer.

I contact the first buyer, asking about the funds he said he would pay for my truck, and I get a response back that he decided to purchase someone else's truck, and did so one day after he agreed to buy my truck and didn't bother to notify me at all that he did that (had he done so I wouldn't be so angry). I contact the other potential buyers who asked about the truck and if they are interested, and they all bought someone else's.

I then go onto the buy/sell/trade forums to check my thread, where lo and behold THE GUY PUT ANOTHER "WTB..." THREAD UP FOR THE TRUCK I WAS SUPPOSED TO SELL HIM!!! I check the date/time of the thread's posting, and it’s not long after I got the response about him buying someone else's truck.

This hasn't happened once to me, but more like 6 separate times already since I started to try and sell this truck!! I'm sure there has been others put in this position.

I complain to the moderators of the site, and they warn me to not post negative feedback or I’ll be banned for personal attacks. So they blame the victim. I decided to not post on their site anymore. I just put my truck on Ebay, and hopefully after 7 days, I’ll have sold it for the price I want.

And to whore myself and try to get some bids going:my Ebay auction


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