Trouble in the Terraces of my mind writing here is a hell of a lot cheaper than therapy...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I just got done watching “Deadliest Catch”, and thank God for DVR-that's the only way I can watch TV during the week with the hours my job requires. It's an awesome show, and if you never saw it, it's about the trials and work of some of the ships that participate in the Alaskan crab fishing seasons. It's a show that proves to me hat no matter what manly things I do, I'm still a sissy compared to these fishermen-in one episode last season, one of the sailors pulled a tooth out with a pair of pliers for God's sake. As I was watching the show, I was thinking about something: A crab boat is a lot like how one's life is.

Think about it. On one of these boats there's a close knit group of people that look out for each other in order for all of them to survive and succeed in their tasks. This isn't that much different than in one's life. One has a group of people that they trust and will do anything for them and vice versa. When any new person comes into the group, on these boats they are called “greenhorns”, they have to work hard and prove themselves worthy of becoming a part of the group. Look at your own lives, how many outsiders have you felt like they had to earn your trust, rather than just giving it to them?

Also like on one of these boats, people come and go from one's life. They do in various ways. They either can't cut it, get in over their head and did not realize the amount of work that is required, talked a great game and couldn't back it up, found another opportunity elsewhere, or simply waste an opportunity they are given or take the opportunity for granted.

Personally, I know that I sometimes make people work a lot to gain my trust and friendship, sort of like how one boat in the series, the Northwestern's captain works his crew harder than the other boats work their crews, but are well rewarded in the end and are an ultra close-knit crew. Those who really know me can say this is somewhat like me, where I may ask a lot of others sometimes, but I do make it up to them and make all that work worth it.

Also one major similarity, and the last one I will make considering you all may think I am nuts making this comparison in the first place. When the world around the ship gets rough, the crew buckles down, band together, and works gets through the problem, a lot like how ones' friends and family do the same when things get tough.

OK enough of my rambling.


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