Trouble in the Terraces of my mind writing here is a hell of a lot cheaper than therapy...

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Tomorrow is my parents 28th Wedding anniversary, and that's amaxing to me. Considering that half of married couples end up divorced, it's really an amazing thing to be together that long. I figure that the main thing that keeps them together is a silent argument that once in a while surfaces to just keep things intersted. Think about it: your mom and dad always had something they disagreed with, and once in a while they would argue about it, and after the argument things are all good. See? that the one spot where things get vented, and afer a day or two (maybe a week if one of them is really stubborn), things go back to normal. And you remember that couple you know that everything is so "lovey-duvy"??? Are they in the trial separation or in court now for the final divorce because they kept up the tension to themselves, and it all came out over something stupid and one of them went too far......

other than that, things are going almost well. Almost in that there's a serious matter that I"m aware of with someone, and I haven't heard any news for almost 2 weeks!!!!! It's really irritating, but given the situation and what I know about it, I really can't get too angry about it...


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