This entry will cover many things tonight, just because I want to put all these different things I have on my mind into one place, so please excuse the ADD.
First, today at 11AM, Ron and Fez made their debut on XM satellite radio. It was one of the most beautiful things I head, especially when Fez did the first coupe minutes as Ric Flair (his best impression by far). The show they did wasn’t bad for being a first show on a brand new format and situation. Sure they have the kinks and bugs to work out, but it’s still the great show I remember from their WNEW days. Blowhard (I will pimp his awesome blog whenever I get the chance, it’s a good thing to read and he’s just good people) even made a phone in appearance talking football, and got his balls busted as well, but it was a good segment. I was going to call in and mention I am part of “Fez’s Whatley’s Posse” (I got the stickers to prove, I’ll show them when I can scan one in), but I didn’t, don’t ask why…maybe I wussed out, but I will try to call in soon.
Ron and Fez are probably the most genuinely cool guys who treat their fans with respect, provided that you show them respect. I hung out with them in their studio a couple times (where my cousin and I got wasted and escorted out of their studio once after my cousin decided he couldn’t hold down all the screwdrivers he drank), and met R&F at several get togethers with their fans, and everytime both Ron and Fez were very nice and cool to talk to.
If you don’t have XM, you’re missing out on a great invention, no commercials or edited versions of songs on their music stations, and only 6-minute breaks on ch 202 (home of Opie and Anthony and Ron and Fez). There are commercials on the other talk/news stations (XM can’t help that, they don’t “own’ the content on them, they get paid to carry that content from NBC, ABC, and other media conglomerates). Now the big question: what are the presets on my receiver?? Well here they are:
Preset A (there are three sets of presets)
1. High Voltage 202 (see above for what’s on it)
2. Boneyard 41(hairbands and arena rock)
3. Ethel 47(90’s and today’s alternative)
4. Squizz 48(hard Alternative)
5. Fred 44(Deep Classic Alternative)
6. Fungus 53(Punk)
7. Raw 66 (Uncut Hip-hop)
8. The Rhyme 65(Classic Hip-hop)
9. Deep Tracks 40(Deep Album Rock)
10. Lucy 54 (Alternative hits)
Preset B (for others in the car, they may like these and I like them to sometimes)
1. 50s on 5 (50’s hits)
2. 60s on 6 (60’s hits)
3. 70’s on 7 (70’s hits)
4. 80’s on 8 (80’s hits)
5. 90on 9 (90’s hits)
6. Top 20 on 20 (top 20 hits)
7. Kiss 21 (Today’s hits)
8. Top tracks 46(classic Rock)
9. U-Pop 29(Euro and global chart hits)
10. XMU (college and indie radio)
Preset C
1. MSNBC 130 (audio MSNBC TV broadcast)
2. ABC news 124 (ABC news and Talk)
3. XM Comedy 150 (comedy)
4. Fox sports Radio 142(Fox sports Radio)
5. ESPN 140(ESPN Radio)
6. NASCAR 144 (Nascar radio)
7. Xtreme XM 150(“hot talk”, but rebroadcast from regular radio, so it’s got no edge to it)
8. MLB Home Plate 175(MLB’s channel of baseball talk shows)
9. America Right 166(all conservative talk shows)
10. Traffic and weather 211 (traffic and weather for NYC)
See, I am eclectic, either that or I have no damn clue what I like!!!!
What else is going on? I think I need to get out more. I plan on it, but I still need to get some money to do so. I also need to find places to go to. I should try to get to some of the get together that some of the message boards have (like,, and others) and just meet people I communicate with on these boards. Some of the people seem cool and it’d be cool to hang out with others rather than just sit on my ass all the time. Some of the people I talk to online have blogs, and they are on the side of this page, so take a look at them. On another subject my G-Men won yesterday, while the Jets got a nice ass-whooping. Penn State won Saturday, but they did allow a couple touchdowns late in the game. Metros also won, but it didn’t really help their playoff chances. That reminds me I have to write another column like this one here, but unfortunately, there’s no real news for me to talk about, and what I could talk about I already have done. Guess I have to use my writing skills to make what I already talked about seem fresh.
I think I said enough here, so until next time….
First, today at 11AM, Ron and Fez made their debut on XM satellite radio. It was one of the most beautiful things I head, especially when Fez did the first coupe minutes as Ric Flair (his best impression by far). The show they did wasn’t bad for being a first show on a brand new format and situation. Sure they have the kinks and bugs to work out, but it’s still the great show I remember from their WNEW days. Blowhard (I will pimp his awesome blog whenever I get the chance, it’s a good thing to read and he’s just good people) even made a phone in appearance talking football, and got his balls busted as well, but it was a good segment. I was going to call in and mention I am part of “Fez’s Whatley’s Posse” (I got the stickers to prove, I’ll show them when I can scan one in), but I didn’t, don’t ask why…maybe I wussed out, but I will try to call in soon.
Ron and Fez are probably the most genuinely cool guys who treat their fans with respect, provided that you show them respect. I hung out with them in their studio a couple times (where my cousin and I got wasted and escorted out of their studio once after my cousin decided he couldn’t hold down all the screwdrivers he drank), and met R&F at several get togethers with their fans, and everytime both Ron and Fez were very nice and cool to talk to.
If you don’t have XM, you’re missing out on a great invention, no commercials or edited versions of songs on their music stations, and only 6-minute breaks on ch 202 (home of Opie and Anthony and Ron and Fez). There are commercials on the other talk/news stations (XM can’t help that, they don’t “own’ the content on them, they get paid to carry that content from NBC, ABC, and other media conglomerates). Now the big question: what are the presets on my receiver?? Well here they are:
Preset A (there are three sets of presets)
1. High Voltage 202 (see above for what’s on it)
2. Boneyard 41(hairbands and arena rock)
3. Ethel 47(90’s and today’s alternative)
4. Squizz 48(hard Alternative)
5. Fred 44(Deep Classic Alternative)
6. Fungus 53(Punk)
7. Raw 66 (Uncut Hip-hop)
8. The Rhyme 65(Classic Hip-hop)
9. Deep Tracks 40(Deep Album Rock)
10. Lucy 54 (Alternative hits)
Preset B (for others in the car, they may like these and I like them to sometimes)
1. 50s on 5 (50’s hits)
2. 60s on 6 (60’s hits)
3. 70’s on 7 (70’s hits)
4. 80’s on 8 (80’s hits)
5. 90on 9 (90’s hits)
6. Top 20 on 20 (top 20 hits)
7. Kiss 21 (Today’s hits)
8. Top tracks 46(classic Rock)
9. U-Pop 29(Euro and global chart hits)
10. XMU (college and indie radio)
Preset C
1. MSNBC 130 (audio MSNBC TV broadcast)
2. ABC news 124 (ABC news and Talk)
3. XM Comedy 150 (comedy)
4. Fox sports Radio 142(Fox sports Radio)
5. ESPN 140(ESPN Radio)
6. NASCAR 144 (Nascar radio)
7. Xtreme XM 150(“hot talk”, but rebroadcast from regular radio, so it’s got no edge to it)
8. MLB Home Plate 175(MLB’s channel of baseball talk shows)
9. America Right 166(all conservative talk shows)
10. Traffic and weather 211 (traffic and weather for NYC)
See, I am eclectic, either that or I have no damn clue what I like!!!!
What else is going on? I think I need to get out more. I plan on it, but I still need to get some money to do so. I also need to find places to go to. I should try to get to some of the get together that some of the message boards have (like,, and others) and just meet people I communicate with on these boards. Some of the people seem cool and it’d be cool to hang out with others rather than just sit on my ass all the time. Some of the people I talk to online have blogs, and they are on the side of this page, so take a look at them. On another subject my G-Men won yesterday, while the Jets got a nice ass-whooping. Penn State won Saturday, but they did allow a couple touchdowns late in the game. Metros also won, but it didn’t really help their playoff chances. That reminds me I have to write another column like this one here, but unfortunately, there’s no real news for me to talk about, and what I could talk about I already have done. Guess I have to use my writing skills to make what I already talked about seem fresh.
I think I said enough here, so until next time….
At 2:15 AM ,
The Brooklyn Blowhard said...
Nice listing, it will help me out, no doubt. Until today, I was listening online and really cared about 202. Now I have the hookup at home, it's as addictive as heroin.
At 3:41 PM ,
Pete said...
I listen to mostly the channels on my preset A, but a lot of the times I'll just mess around and see what's on. I primarily listen to High Voltage (duh!!!), Squizz, and the Rhyme, but doeing the day I'll scan my other presets and usually hit the MLB channel when Dibble and Kennedy are on in the afternoons
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