Trouble in the Terraces of my mind writing here is a hell of a lot cheaper than therapy...

Saturday, August 12, 2006

quick update

I just got back from the RBNY-Barcelona soccer game at Giants Stadium.  It was an amazing thing to see a full house for a soccer game.  RBNY got their asses kicked, but it was amazing to see some of the best players in the world that play for Barcelona.  The crowd was great (but it pisses me off they wont’ come out to support local soccer, they are mostly bandwagon fans on the hot team at the time), and the sight of all the flashbulbs was something to behold.  I’m drained right now from standing in the sun all day form the tailgate and the game.  I always wondered what it was like at Giants’ Stadium during the height of the Cosmos.  This is probably the closest thing that I’ll get.

I got my birthday off, and that’s a good thing.  I’m probably spend the day off in bed just relaxing, but who knows.  Maybe I’ll get an invite to a free meal or something but I’m not expecting anything.  I did volunteer to work the 26th, which is a Saturday.  There’s a meeting that day in the building I work in, and I was offered the chance to work it getting all the catering in and out of the meeting room.  At first I wasn’t going to take it, but I realized that the pay I get for that day would make up what I’m not getting on the 29th and more.   Funny part is that the night of the 26th I’m going out to go drinking.  I planned on doing this anyway and I decided to invite some friends of mine (via to come along.  I have no idea how many will make it out, but I don’t have any expectations as to how many do.  If only a couple or one come out, I’d be happy.  If none come out it’s cool, I’ll just have to buy my own drinks then!!!


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