Trouble in the Terraces of my mind writing here is a hell of a lot cheaper than therapy...

Saturday, August 21, 2004


The past couple days have been interesting.=) Yesterday I didn't do a whole lot, the biggest thing was that I was up all night talking to someone important and had to stop talking at 2 am =). I got up at 8:30 this morning, went for my walk around the neighborhood and sweated my ass off. after I got home, I took a shower and shaved and felt a hell of a lot better, but the humidty didn't make me feel totally good, but at least I didn't smell like ass, feet, or sweat!! =) After my shower, I got down to buisness and scoured the internet looking for a job. I ended up sending out about 10 applications today, I doubt i'll even hear from one company, but that would just be normal for me! =)

Tonight I spent most of it perusing all my favorite message boards looking for something/someone to yell at, and i watched a DVD. Tonight I watched Jay and Silent Bob Stike Back =). A great film, but it's best to watch it after seeing all of Kevin Smith's other films, since they are all tied together somehow. I also solidified my plans for tomorrow night, where I'm going to Christopher Street to meet up with some friends at a bar to watch the Metros away game. =) I'm looking forward to this since I haven't talked much to these guys in months, since I haven't been going to any games due to lack of funds/schedule.

Of course, on the net here the ladies throw themselves at me on IM (you know, just like in real life...*crickets* *crickets*), but I can't talk to any of them, since I'm busy getting to know one that so far has been really cool to me =). I hope it's legit, and not like what happened to me before. On the bright side, she has been reading my inane BS here and so far she says she likes it. =) and I hope she does read theparts about what I look for in a person and my ten commandments....since I follow those to the T. Maybe she'll convert and be a follower too...=)


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